
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Issue #9

~ A special word from the owner.

I am sorry that I haven't kept up with the MooseValley talk show. I not discontinue the talk show but, until I am able to find a person to fit the job, the MooseValley talk show will not go on air until further notice.

Breaking News:

Farewell Zeldaman16

Zeldaman16 is no longer on the staff team anymore as it has been seen. Its comes from us on behalf of our team and the MooseValley, we wish you Good Luck Zelda. The MooseValley Family will never be the same without you because I believe in one way or another you have touched our hearts and made MooseValley special for someone.  Even though you may have left the nest the nest always remains for the eagle. You are always part of the MooseValley Family no matter where you go. Farewell Zelda.

PvP Population is almost 0

Its so sad to see that the population of the PvP server is dying out. Its a very sad site to see. The PvP Paper will always survive.

Moose Minute:


None this issue.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Issue # 8

Breaking News:

New Changes to The PvP Paper - WilliamS5109
People have made comments about changes that they would like to see, and I just want to say thank you for telling me how I can improve. I want everyone to know that your voice has been heard in the suggestions that you all sent. I really appreciate the support you give me and everyone else on the PvP editor team. I will try do an issue twice a week if I have the chance but there will at least be one every week. I have added a debate section to the PvP paper.  One player suggested starting a talk show. I will start one for MooseValley. I would like to say a special thank you to a very special person. He is described as:  Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, and willing to go beyond. He always represents the perfect role as moderator. He is Funny and always has a smile on his face. I believe that he represents the true skills of a Moderator. That person is [SrMod]Heenim.
Congratulations Comradecoz!! - WilliamS5109
I would like to say congratulations to [Mod]comradecoz who is now a senior mod. Congratulations on the promotion [SrMod] comeradcoz!! 

Debate: Is PvP logging considered a hack?
What is your opinion? I would like to hear it.
Player of The Issue:

[Citizen] dre001

Mod of the Issue:

[SrMod] Heenim